The TeamSnap 2025 Company Summit in Denver brought employees together for strategic planning, team collaboration, and recognition of top performers. Read the full recap!
TeamSnap employees gathered in Denver in January for an energizing and jam-packed 2025 All-Company Summit. Over a busy two days, we connected as a team, explored our strategic vision for the upcoming year, engaged in meaningful discussions and working sessions, and celebrated the incredible contributions of our colleagues. Oh… and we had some fun while we were at it!
Celebrating TeamSnap in Denver
Day 1: Vision, Strategy & Thought Leadership
The TeamSnap Denver Summit opened with an exciting day of company-wide programming led by our leadership team. Through a series of informative sessions, we aligned on our company vision, goals, and some exciting announcements ahead for TeamSnap in 2025.
A highlight of the day was a dynamic fireside chat between our CEO Peter Frintzilas and special guest Li Li Leung, President & CEO of USA Gymnastics. Their discussion explored how organizations can embrace a growth mindset, overcome common business challenges, and create lasting impact from every member of the organization.
Night 1: Building Connections & Having Fun
After a full day of strategy sessions, TeamSnap took to the local town for a fun evening at a local Denver brewery. With karaoke, pool, other games, great food, and even better company, the night was filled with unforgettable moments.
Day 2: Collaboration & Breakout Sessions
On the second day, we broke into our smaller working departments and teams for focused working sessions. Through these sessions, the individual teams dove into key business initiatives and brainstormed new ideas. The hands-on working sessions gave us the chance to collaborate, think outside of the box, and set the stage for another successful year ahead.
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Honoring Excellence: 2024 Employee Awards
A key highlight of the summit was celebrating our hard work with the 2024 TeamSnap Employee Awards. Congratulations to all our winners!